Sunday, January 22, 2017

Temperature Afghan Update

Hi Everyone,

Well the saying goes, "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry...",  and that is how it is with the temperature afghan.  I was doing well, and was about to catch up with this week, when my BFF told me how she had done the math and her afghan would be 17 feet long! HELL'S BELLS, RADAR!

I had to stop, measure what I had and math.  I hate to math, incidentally, so I didn't like doing it. What did I come up with?

22 feet.

If I kept with the current plan, my afghan would have been 22 feet long, and a bit more, before the border was added.  I had to come up with a plan B....22 feet was like 3 times my bed size!

The progress I had made before the decision to scrap

So, Plan B.  I decided to make 7-round granny squares.  Each round will be the high temp of the day, 7 days a week - 7 rounds.  That will give me 52 squares. Since 52 is really hard to make into a rectangle, I decided to add 4 accent squares, one for each corner of the afghan, which will mean I can do 8 rows of 7 squares.

Artist's rendition of the proposed Plan B

I upped my hook size to a J (6 mm) and began the crocheting.  Each square is 8 inches by 8 inches.  By my estimation, the afghan with border, should JUST cover my California King bed come next January.  Time will tell!

The great thing about this was that doing a square with a whole weeks worth of temperatures took about the same time I was doing EVERY DAY for 1 Row!  so this idea is also saving me time and space.

To keep track of the weeks, I simply looped masking tape through the hole in the round 7 and labeled the week number

So I wanted to show you what the first 3 weeks of the year, according to our insane weather here in Northern Virginia has been....

Week 1 - warm moves to colder

Week 2 -  colder moved to warm. Yellow meant high 60's and 70's!

Week 3 - pretty greens

I'm a big fan of week 3, because it just happened to be so symmetrical!

So that's all for me currently.  I'd love to hear how everyone else is doing on your projects  Leave a comment or link to a picture?

Curious about the Temperature Afghan and what it's about?  You can visit THIS POST and join in on the fun, if you like!

Happy Weaving,


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